Horst Pfaffelmayer -
When I came across the "Audio Maniacs" series for the first time I thought: these people are crazy -
I was REALLY stunned, these preamps are
"Audio Maniacs" preamps are head to head with the WSWs and stand out for a tremendous transparency, velocity, conformity of the units and CHARACTER !!! And that nowadays is HARD to find. Everything today nearly sounds the same; no, not everything .... NOT the "Audio Maniacs" preamps !! Reminiscences of Asterix, the unwavering fighter for character in the tonal world come to my mind !!!
The recorded signals were monitored with the "Audio Maniacs" headphone amp, result: Oh goodness gracious !!! Even the slightest phase difference, every note that had been played inaccurately, every compressor that had not been set properly was unveiled without mercy !! If you want to cover or hide your own faults this is the WRONG thing for you !!!
I'm also a bit proud that I could talk the "Audio Maniacs" people into constructing a special edition of their headphone amp for me. The result was THE ultimate monster headphone amp: 14 kg, technical data and a sound that take your breath; no other headphone amp on this planet can hold a candle to him, noone !!!
And by the way: I have NOT been paid, tortured or whipped to write these lines. I LOVE THIS STUFF, along with my girl friend my steady companions !!!!
(Horst Pfaffelmayer, mastering of TCB Band -
Sandi Strmljan of Streamlyne Studios Hamburg Altona
I had the pleasure to test the "Audio Maniacs" preamp. I did a vocals test with a modified Peluso mike from Audiobau in Hannover -
I'm really looking forward to test some drum-
(Sandi Strmljan, producer of Udo Lindenberg, Valentine, MC Lyte, Cinema Bizarre, Chris Norman, Vivian, No Angels, e.a.)
Thorsten Schotten of SAM Media Hennef
I use the "Audio Maniacs" mike preamp with all my recordings. It stands out for its immense depth and intensity and the old classics like U87 and KM84 get a new splendor. This preamp gives me the unique possibility to use the mike itself as an equalizer by changing its position. For the first time I had the feeling, that nothing is lost in the signal pathway and that I had to adjust my ears anew. Even in direct comparison to the legendary Siemens V76 I preferred the "Audio Maniacs" because it sounds more direct though still delivering the same warm sound of the old tube preamp. In particular when recording an acoustic or electric guitar the complex structures of harmonics that occur especially with distorted sounds are brought forward with an undreamt-
(Thorsten Schotten, producer of Susan Schubert, Guido Hoffmann, Harajuku, Kristina Bach, Cindy & Bert, e.a.)
Dan Enderer of Gotteswegstudio A
*** this preamp ...
... is the best thing, I ever had in the studio. no joke. wow !
just doing a vocal session and it just sounds absolutely great again.
(Dan Enderer, producer of Mofa, Days In Grief, Pull A Star Trip, Bosse, Kilians, Killer Racoon Fish, Hellpetrol, The LoFi Fair, Élysée. LETGO!, Cobretti, Taylor Barnman & The Winners, Supernichts, Hot Jr., Boozehounds, The Anti Doctrine, One Drop Does It, e.a.)